Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ridiculously Early...

I seem to be waking up around 5:30, not interested in going back to sleep. The raw foodists are always talking about needing less sleep... and I'm not sure if I like it. I think I could still use more sleep, but for whatever reason, my body is refusing to do it. I think they call that insomnia. I should just accept it as a gift and move on.

So let's talk about something much more fun, like this beautiful ravioli from last night! This was my favorite thing from my original attempt at going raw (that one only lasted 2 or 3 days.) The "pasta" is thinly sliced turnips, marinated in oil and salt to soften and remove bitter juices. I know this may sound unappetizing to non-raw readers, but trust me, it's amazing! The husband was floored. The filling is a spinach and macadamia "ricotta" and the sauce is a simple sundried and cherry tomato marinara. Magnifique! The salad radishes and fennel, again marinated in oil and salt to soften and remove bitter juices, over a bed of spicy greens, including watercress. This was also very delicious, and felt Italian, although I have no idea if it actually is or not. Again, I will post the recipes on gone raw soon The sesame balls recipe is up, and I'm still perfecting the sushi rice.

Speaking of the sushi rice, I'm making a picnic for an afternoon bike ride today, and I decided to bring the sushi. We're also going to pick up some Three Thieves wine in Tetra Packs (the most economical/eco-friendly packaging available!) and have sesame balls for dessert. I imagine I'll also throw in some fruit (we have lots of apples, oranges and grapefruits right now.)

One thing I had forgotten about getting up this early... the sunrise from my porch is amazing! I mean, you can't actually see the sun, but the pink morning clouds, singing birds and cool, calm morning air are truly lovely. I am a deeply blessed individual.

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