Saturday, February 2, 2008

Day 2

So yesterday was successful. I more or less followed my food plan, and I stayed raw (for one whole day!) The morning was difficult. Clearly, my breakfast was not enough food, because I was quite hungry again by 9 am (I ate around 6:30.) I ate the tangelo, then the apple, then the almonds, all before lunch.

I found that my lettuce had gotten soggy and had way too much Bragg's on it, so lunch was kind of lame. Next time, pack the dressing separate! Rookie mistake! I managed to snag several bottles of water, which made me feel much better until I got home and immediately made a tall glass of celery/spinach/apple/lemon juice. This is such a restorative drink for me, it really brought me out of the funk I was feeling.

I made up some nori rolls, one with avocado, carrots, cucumber and spinach; one with avocado, mango, macadamia nuts and mint leaves, and one with leftover almond pulp made into a rice substitute, carrot and cucumber. They were good. Jesse found them a little weird, particularly the almond pulp one, but he ate them and seemed to even enjoy them.

I didn't take any pictures of food yesterday, but today I will try to get some in. I'm having a hard time making as solid a meal plan today as yesterday, partly because we are going to the farmers market and I don't know what we will have, and partly because it is hard to come up with new dishes... already. This isn't a great sign, but I just have to keep up my confidence that I can do this and it should be fine.

Day 2 meal plan:

Smoothie: Banana, coconut water, tahini, pineapple, orange juice chia... peaches on side?

I know better than to buy peaches in early February. They just smelled so good! They were not good. I had a few macadamia nuts after my smoothie.

Snack 1: Probably samples from the Farmer's Market... maybe a whole piece of fruit.

Lunch: Raw Burritos (walnuts ground with Mexican spices, with salsa and guacamole, in lettuce or cabbage or maybe collard green wraps)

Snack 2: Caramel apples
I'm sooo excited about these. I used this recipe. I made up the caramel last night, will dip with apples later.

Dinner: Big salad... not exactly sure what will go in it yet, except that it will be big, and will contain some protein.

Snack 3: JUICE! Maybe pineapple mint tonight. It's one of my favorites, and I haven't had it in ages, and now I have pineapple!

It's not as specific as yesterday, and there may be more pieces of fruit in there... actually, now that I think about it, we'll get a giant bag of oranges and Jess will probably cut up six or seven of them, so ORANGES will probably be my first snack.

That's all for now, please feel free to ask questions in the comment section.


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