Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Pre-Game

So yesterday I ate pretty close to a raw diet all day, although there may have been an incident in the evening with some fresh mozzerella cheese... it's one of my favorites. I don't know why, because it's so bland, but the mild flavor and texture really appeal to me.

Fortunately, the official 30 day trial doesn't start until tomorrow, so I needn't worry until then. Today I need to plan my meals for the first week or so, until I get the hang of it, and even then, I might need quite a bit of planning. I've never been very good at planning, particulalry my meals, I usually just shop on the weekend, fill up the cart with stuff that looks good to me, and figure it out as the week goes by. This usually leads to a few things getting thrown out and a day or two at the end of the week where we either eat out or I make something like noodles with chickpeas.

So here's a few items I expect to add to the list:


Apple almond porridge (apples and almonds blended up with some honey)

Chia banana puddings (bananas & tahini with chia seeds to thicken)

Smoothies! Endless varieties... avocado, coconut or banana blended with other fruits and some tahini... I even have some raw protein powders in the fridge from ages ago... they should still be good!

Larabars (for sleep-in mornings)

Grab and go fruit and nut arrangements (i.e. some cashews and an apple, mac nuts and a mango, a kiwi and walnuts... you get the picture)

Leftover raw desserts (oh yes... there will be lovely cakes and pies that may have to get eaten for breakfast sometimes...)


Raw sushi rolls... a raw nori sheet with avocado or nuts and sliced veggies... carrots, cucumber, lettuces, etc. and maybe some tropical fruits like pineapple or mango... yum!)

Raw burritos ( lettuce or cabbage leaves stuffed with walnuts, avocado, salsa, and sprouts)

SALAD (you probably eat salad for lunch too!)

Sandwiches (either on raw bread or lettuce leaves with avocado and tomato)

Any incredible offerings from the Alive! booth at the farmer's market (like raw lasanga and enchiladas)

Leftover dinner (something else you probably eat for lunch)


Zuccini pasta (this is one of my favorites... you shave the zuccini into strips with a veggie peeler, then top it with pesto, tomato or creamy nut sauce... I already eat this...)

Big chopped/shredded veggie salads with creamy tahini dressings

Raw soups, very gently warmed, probably in a double boiler.

Experiements from raw recipe books (I have RAW by Juliano & a complilation by tons of people)

Anything from the other menus!


JUICE! This is already one of my favorite snacks. I like celery/apple spinach and pineapple/mint best (mixed with komucha! seriously, like the most amazing beverage you've ever had in your life)






So, looking over that, I'm pretty excited! I see lots of my favorite foods on there (fruit always has been, and probably always will be, one of my favorite foods.) I need to go to Rainbow Grocery tonight after work (actually, after the gym... I joined the gym...) to get nori sheets, avocadoes, lots of beautiful produce, and maybe some raw chocolates and bread... I don't have a dehydrator to make the bread... I got apples, oranges, spinach, lettuce, parsley and mint at the Farmer's market yesterday... it's almost all gone. I think I'll need a pretty detailed plan this week to make sure I don't fall off track immediately like last night with the cheese.

I'll also take some "before" photos and measurements tonight... I need to go to a drugstore to get pH strips and a blood sugar test kit... right now I tend towards hypoglycemia... if I allow myself to get belly rumbling hungry, I also get weak and shaky. I've never tested my pH before, so I have no idea if it's normal or not.

I am drinking some delicious Yerba Mate tea right now, and I can't decide if I should allow it on the trial. Coffee is definitely out, since I don't enjoy it without half and half anyway, and it definitely has a powerful effect on my body. I've been gradually weaning myself off it for about a month now, so caffeine withdawls shouldn't be affecting my symptoms.

Well, tomorrow's the big day! Wish me luck!


Larissa said...

I was just going to ask about tea... herb tea is good?

mandy said...

herb tea is good. it's nutritive and non caloric, so the lack of enzymes present should not be a problem. that's the theory.